My gifts to myself..
Clinique toner, Super City Block SPF40, Take the day off Cleansing Oil..
A Calvin Klien bag – I love that this have an adjustable strap so I can use this as shoulder bag or as a messenger/sling bag
Remember I posted that I’m battling hormonal pimples? These helped a lot. I experienced minimal breakouts on face (during those times when I was still sick and my boss forced me to report to work so when i got home i went straight to my room and fell asleep immediately and woke up the following day already) I wasn’t able to used it much on body though due to days when I was sick to bathe, was not feeling to vain recently coz I was on lazy mode or im still weak so I keep my bath routine really short, so yah hormonal pimps succeeded on giving me backne (geesh..)
I will definitely repurchase and use these potent oils as body oil and hopefully it will heal those nasty spots on my back,.
TOP ROW: Blushes
2nd ROW: eyeshadows except for
pearl beige (concealer)
Stippling Brush
I will post swatches soon,. I'm on lazy mode still, waahh..
And yes I was right. I went with my bestfriend Jo anne (I’ll call her Best so as not to confused with La mer expert Joanne). It was held at East Café at Rustans. When we got there, a very chic table setting welcomed us. We felt a little awkward at first coz we thought the setting and participants were a little refined for us. But as the event progress we we’re having fun already (at least Best and I). We were asked to put on the head band coz we will be trying the whole La mer line ourselves. Right in front of us are silver basins with water and facial puffs for easier cleansing. We were advised that if we aren’t comfortable removing our make-up we can at least try it in our hands. And so Best and I agreed, we said that we don’t want to show our faces bare, hehe.. But we did otherwise coz we thought it will be so much fun!
We started with the make-up remover.
Love the texture, the oil is finer than DHC but not quite as thin as Clarins (I will review this sooner), just in between but is very fine for me. Rinses easily and doesn’t leave the skin greasy.
Next is the Facial wash there’s two variant of this the liquid soap and the milk variant which is tissue-off . We we’re asked to choose what to use, we chose the milk variant
We spread it on face then rinse using facial puffs.. this was luxurious I thought, this doesn’t sting my face at all. Skin isn’t tight and dry nor does it feel sticky or greasy.
Then the scrub which can be used as facial scrub or mask (left for 8 minutes)
Wow!,I so love this! just used this for minutes and my skin feels smooth and soft already. Just wash it thoroughly since tiny flecks (diamonds?!!) will be left on skin, I saw one on my face and I smiled (told Best, hey can I sell this?!!).. I loved it so much that I ask how much was this, and Joanne said its P4500,. I said wow, it not that expensive, I’m likely to get one myself soon (after finishing other scrubs I have though..)
Then the toner…
We pat it on our face using cotton pads (not rub or sweep). Feels good too, not stingy..
The Infusions. Again there’s two variant the moisture infusion and the radiant infusion
We chose the radiant infusion (one of those I’ve been eyeing so much). We pat it on our face
Then the lifting serum.. It was put on our palm than sweep it twice then spread on our face on outward motion. I keep on smelling the products everytime I’m applying it on my face. It was soothing and not strong.
The lifting concentrate were placed at deep lines for extra support, glad that we don’t need one yet.
Then the eye balm and eye concentrate
We chose eye concentrate (again I’m lusting this, haha!).. swept it using the silver-tipped wand. The wand was cool and soothing. I just wondered if the wand will still be cold if left on room temperature (no aircon on scorching summer heat).
Now the moisturizer, I already have the cream and tested the gel so I chose the oil-absorbing formula.
We we’re taught how to properly warm it in our fingers. I used to do it on finger tips only, but we were taught to warm it our entire fingers. Just put your finger on top of each other (criss-cross way) then rub in small circular manner until the cream turns white liquid. It was sure easier this way. Then we pat in on our entire face.
It was wrapped-up using the new SPF30!.. I only saw SPF18 before (on blanc dela mer). This is the broader spectrum variant. I thought, with everything I’ve put on my face it’ll feel heavy and dewy. But the SPF was so light. It is the by far the lightest SPF I’ve tried (at least compared to Nivea, Neutrogena, BB cream, Armada). And it felt like I didn’t put any on my face. It was just soft, velvety smooth and so radiant that I can be convinced not to put make-up on, after the spa-like session, no make-up at all,., tehhee..
me and Best..
Overall, my experience left me astound. La mer aint a luxury brand for nothing. It drawed me more to La mer and left me thinking that after I’ve consumed the beauty bottles I have, I’m gonna get myself some La mer stuff again.. It will definitely include the Radiant infusion, Refining facial, La mer Oil absorbing variant and the SPF too perhaps..
Even Best had a great day too and told me, if there’s any event like this again, she’d like to join me.
us, still no make-up but loving our skin,.
The foodie...
the freebies..
It made me think that life is in way similar with it,. Life is a survival. We strive in our life looking forward for the flowers to bloom in our life, for our life to be flowery, its not yet the reaping time but it makes you think that life is blissful and happy. But trials come and our hopes sometimes die down. We will start anew being positive that when I do things right and better this time, consequences will be rewarding. But trials will come, sometimes battering even harder than in the past. We will hold on, and try to withstand. It’s kind of depressing. Depressing because we try to focus on bad things, on the fallen flowers and fruit.
I tried to look further and saw the entirety of my life. My hopes didn’t die at all. Part of me was lost but im still whole. The entirety of my life is beautiful. I could still be a source of happiness for others. It made me realized that I needed to forgive. They were vexation in my life, but they polished me.. I withstand them, then I should be stronger now. Then I should be happy, I should remain positive…
So what made me decide to post that short reflection,. Im sick again, blah,. The day before I was confined in the hospital, I had fever and was agonizing with stomach pain. My usually bratinella cat went to my room and laid on my stomach (note: she doesn’t sleep in my room).
Since I was in pain I slided her to my side coz her weight is pushing my stomach making it even more painful. She crept back and laid again making herself lighter (dunno how she did it) that I don’t feel pain anymore. Then we both fell asleep. I woke up and was about to go out of my room when she meowed at me and so I went back in to pat her neck. She laid beside me and when she closed her eyes I went to my parent’s room so I can watch TV. She followed me again and laid beside me. I kept hugging her every time I’m feeling pain. She would normally jump out of bed since she doesn’t want being hugged or squashed but she stayed. It made me think that our beloved pets do feel our pain. Coz sometimes if it’s my brothers or parents who Is sick our dog will also look sickly.
Anyweys, in the hospital I was given bottles and bottles of potassium in my dextrose (potassium is freakin’ painful when given through IV). I weren’t looking at myself at the mirror (duh, im too sick to be beauty conscious) so when I finally got back home I was expecting a haggard looking, deep set-ted eye and dark underyes. But when I sited myself in front of my dresser, I was amazed to see how glowing my skin was, it’s just I got thinner (lost 5 pounds) and I do look sick but my skin is in good shape, I didn’t even broke-out even if I haven’t washed my face for 4 days (yuck! Hehe.. )
So I guess the saying that banana is good for skin was right. Though it’s impossible to eat that huge amount of banana to get the equal amount of potassium I got then (and I think it’s only advisable to take litters of it if you’re like me who dropped the potassium level), it won’t hurt to couple our beauty regimen with banana in our diet. A nature’s way to good skin,. Heads up ladies,…
I surely missed blogging,. Be back soon,. It’s my birthday month anyweys,. I should keep my blog rolling..