Friday, August 27, 2010

Braces,.. again!

I'm sporting braces again! I had it on when I was in college. Had it removed right after graduation. My teeth were aligned already. Till Y2006 my wisdom tooth started to come out little by little, pushing my teeth on both side to slide forward. It overlapped my front teeth and started to push it inward. Gets? hehe, here's my teeth would look like on pics..
Camwhoring before sleep

Well, each day I feel my teeth is moving, it's getting worse, I know the feeling already of the teeth moving coz of my braces before. I was hesitant at first and wanted to back-out but i made a down payment already during my consultation. It reminded me of my experience before. I always have mouth sores due to allergy on the metal of the braces. So I always put wax as barrier. Brushing teeth is tedious than the usual. It was painfull, sometimes rubber is attached connecting the lower brace to upper brace so it restricts mouth opening. Rubber on braces often snaps-off, brackets detached from the tooth enamel, in short it was agony. I never understand why some (majority of) people find braces as sosyal (high-class). I hated it, i just got used to it. Pictures sometimes are ugly too, its like my teeth were dark.

Anyweys, I have to or else my teeth will get worse,. My allergies tamed down, some are gone already. I've worst case allergy even when I was a child. To name a few: Dust, metals other than gold, and chlorine in our tap water! Yes, every after bath I have red patches all aver my face and body. It was hella itchy. I've used emollient soaps (like dove and caress) and mild soaps (like J&J and Ivory) but I'm still all red. But now I can wear silver and fashion earrings (and Im chlorine tolerant as well) so hopefully i wont get allergic reaction on my braces anymore.

So here's me camwhoring the moment I got home. Need to practice my smile too for a nice angle. Make-up needs modification too. It made my already pouty lips look bigger so no lipgloss for me from now on.

Here's me now,.. sporting green eyeshadow..

Enjoy the long weekend ladies,...


*KiM* said...

I hate braces too :( Good Luck girl!

Pammy said...

You still look pretty even with braces on. :P Now you made me miss having braces.

AskMeWhats said...

I don't want to go back to braces again! heheh I'm on retainers na for a year plus or 2 na :)

Soapaholic said...

It's not too bad, and I'm sure it would be taken off in no time. :)

shatzlaine said...

thanks girls,. the time frame is 6 months only,. hopefully...

Fickle Cattle said...

I hate braces too. I hope you don't have to wear them for too long.


You look cute with braces! Carry mo sis! And your LV and longchamp bag is super duper nice!:-)